Fashion is a concept I’ve always found difficult to understand. As a human being, you’d think you would and should want to be yourself, and not too much like the others; particularly where being attractive to the other sex is concerned, you’d think one should and would want to be unique, to differentiate themselves from the next person, instead of doing whatever possible to look as much alike as possible...
Apparently, though, good common sense is not relevant where fashion is concerned. Have some garment industry moguls decided, via the “inspired” voices of some fashion gurus, that skinny jeans were the thing to be seen in now? Let’s all of us buy and wear them, so we can all look alike. Tomorrow, it’ll be mini-skirts, or platform shoes, or the Devil only knows whatever else.
We shouldn’t be surprised that the masses see fit to follow those fashions, as the said masses are not particularly remarkable for their intelligence. Most of the genus homo erectus are indeed quite dumb, not to mention quite lacking in self-assurance and good taste, and those character traits combine to make them very likely to simply imitate what they see the next person doing —which, as already pointed out, is baffling to me: not only do they wear the same things as their neighbors, without regard for whether their silhouette benefits from it, but they readily endorse, without even thinking (but do they ever?), practices that are even much more radical, such as piercings (ah, those rings in the nose that makes women look so much like the cows of my childhood —how utterly ridiculous!), and more recently tattoos. How ugly and decaying will those tattoos look when the concerned ladies reach their mid-thirties and their skin becomes less taut and starts to wrinkle? And by then, they will still have the major part of their lives to live together with those Dorian Gray avatars “adorning” their bodies...
Being into photography, I obviously have dozens of photos staring me in the face every single day, unless I myself am out shooting. Among them, and particularly in my Flickr groups, are female portraits. And since maybe a year or so, I have begun to notice the emergence of a sad and ugly new fashion, which is that of THICK EYEBROWS.
Now, eyebrows on a woman can be a very attractive feature; they contribute to giving a face its singularity, its character. If one main role had to be attributed to them, it would be to showcase the most important component of the face: the eyes. For a very long time, it was well understood that eyebrows were not supposed to steal the show, and had to be kept under control. For once, good common sense was at work there, and women diligently plucked their eyebrows to shape them the way they liked.
However, recently, some dumber-than-usual concept came out that female eyebrows needed to be thick and heavy, in order to look fashionable. Now, I have heard it many times when I was young and honesty had not yet given precedence to political correctness (and therefore I will repeat it for historical reasons), that the world of fashion was ruled by homosexual males who had no vested interest in making females look genuinely beautiful and attractive. I have no idea regarding the accuracy of the latter phrase, but it is true that whoever came up with this idea that female eyebrows had to be thick and bushy has not done them a favor, as I have rarely seen anything uglier.
The women who diligently follow that diktät (and there are very many of them!), not only let them eyebrows grow as thick and bushy as they can, but also actually augment them in thickness and bushiness if they think they don’t look big and thick enough by themselves...! Yuck.
The thing is, while they grow and exhibit overgrown bushes on their brows, they still pluck, shave and/or was away any sign of hair almost everywhere else... So, is body hair attractive, or is it not?
Let us all pray that a modicum of good taste will soon prevail over sheer stupidity, and that otherwise charming ladies will cease to emulate Martin Scorsese Andy Rooney, because it does nothing to make them more attractive to most men.