samedi 2 juillet 2016

Tailor4Less : do not shop there !

 Tailor4Less is the website of a China-based tailoring service which offers interesting prices for tailor-made graments. They also have a nice selection of fabrics to choose from. In March 2016, I ordered my first jacket from them, and during the following months, I ordered 4 more jackets, the last one in June. Five jackets @150 euros apiece at least, I left them over 750 euros (850 dollars) in a couple of months, not to mention a couple of shirts I bought from them as well.

Of all the 5 jackets, only 2 were satisfactory. The others always had a minor problem here or there, such as the top button of a two-button jacket positioned too high, in a position suited for a three-button jacket, but not for a two-button one. I kept them however, because I need to wear them and therefore I decided to overlook those defaults.

When I received my last gray wool jacket in June, however, that was the last straw.

First, you have to know that the only option Tailor4Less offered until now for jacket pockets was “angled” pockets, and not horizontal one. It may be more fashionable today, but much less classical, and I like classical. Anyway, because there was no other option, I accepted those “angled” pockets, even though I always found them a bit ridiculous.

Finally, when I was ready to order my last jacket, I saw that they were now offering an option to have horizontal pockets, so of course I selected that.

When my jacket arrived, big disappointment: the pockets were still “angled”, i.e. they had not complied with the specifics of my order. Moreover, the jacket featured 3 pockets, but that was my fault, a mistake I had made when configuring my order on their not-so-easy-to-use interface.

To top it off, the lapel buttonhole was positioned ridiculously high, only 1.5 cm below the end of the lapel, instead of the usual 2.5 cm (I checked on my other Tailor4Less jackets).

So, of course, I asked for “a remake”, as they say: I could accept the 3 pockets (my mistake), I suppose I could have lived with the “angled” pockets (although contrary to my request), but there was no way I would wear a jacket with a ridiculously located lapel buttonhole!

As you can imagine, things were not easy for me —although they could have been: there was one or two times I had a problem with an Amazon item, and every time they reimbursed my without any discussion and with no or very few questions asked. But, hey! Not everyone can be Amazon, I learned that at my expense.

Indeed, Tailor4Less began by asking my lots of questions. I was asked to take photographs of my jacket WHILE WEARING IT (very easy to do, as you can imagine, when you’re alone at home!). I complied with everything they asked… and eventually, they said they did not agree to a remake…!

I could not believe it. I tried to explain again, sent more photos showing the difference of measurements between that lousy last jacket and the previous ones, cut by themselves, all to no avail: the young guy at Customer Service (ha! what a joke!) I had to email half a dozen times seemed to know nothing about men’s garments (he called the lapel buttonhole a “trou” in French, literally “a hole”), and they persisted in refusing to remake or refund.

In the course of our exchanges, I told them I would not give them good reviews on the internet, as I was legitimate to do, and indeed as soon as I published my duly documented opinion on Trustpilot, they tried to have it deleted under the pretense that it did not agree with Trustpilot’s guidelines… Of course, they didn’t want it to be known, so they tried to silence me…!

They did not succeed and you will find that review here: It is very much like this post you’ve just read, so don’t necessarily bother reading it again. Just avoid Tailor4Less and advise your friends and acquaintances to do the same, as they are not worthy of your confidence.

dimanche 29 mai 2016

Qu’est-ce qu’une « belle » photo, sur internet ?

D’un côté, une photo du type « instantané de vacances », qui peut représenter un sujet intéressant, mais plate, sans relief, avec un ciel blanc, brûlé sans espoir de récupération, et des noirs opaques. La définition est médiocre, on sent que le capteur manquait de dynamique et l’objectif de pouvoir séparateur, comme on sent que le sens de la composition, de l’harmonie  et des proportions, n’était pas le fort de celui ou de celle qui a commis cette image qui ne restera pas dans les annales.

D’un autre côté, une photo qui représente peut-être le même genre de sujet, mais bien composée, parfaitement exposée, où les plus hautes lumières du ciel restent lisibles et où des détails apparaissent jusque dans les gris les plus sombres, tout en ménageant des noirs profonds, mais seulement là où ils existaient vraiment. Une photo parfaitement composée, où l’on sent que le photographe a tourné autour de son sujet avant de choisir son angle de prise de vue (et a peut-être même attendu l’heure propice), à la netteté irréprochable, habilement travaillée en post-production pour refléter exactement ce que le photographe a vu.

Laquelle, selon vous, va récolter un commentaire « très belle », et laquelle un autre, « superbe, splendide » ?

Eh bien oui, en dépit de tout bon sens et de tout sens artistique, c’est la première qui recueillir les plus grandes louanges. Et vous savez pourquoi ? Pas du fait de ses qualités intrinsèques, non, mais du fait que son auteur, sur le forum ou dans la petite communauté concernée, possède une meilleure cote d’amour, tout simplement ! Ce n’est pas la photo que l’on commente, c’est l’affection plus ou moins grande pour son auteur que l’on manifeste…

C’est pourquoi il ne faut jamais dire ce que l’on pense vraiment sur internet, car si vous le faites, vous allez forcément froisser des égos, blesser des vanités, écorcher des susceptibilités, et soyez certain qu’on vous en tiendra rigueur au moment de commenter vos œuvres v. celles d’un(e) autre, qui aura su, au moyen de discours toujours approbateurs d’autrui (même s’il(elle) n’en pensait pas un mot), se ménager les faveurs d’autrui.

Décidément, je ne comprends pas comment tant de gens peuvent critiquer ouvertement l’hypocrisie bien-pensante de tant de nos politiciens, quand ils passent leur temps à faire exactement de même…!